Artist Keywords
Mane Katz

Mane Katz (1894 - 1962) was active/lived in New York / Russian Federation, Ukraine, France.  Mane Katz is known for Portrait and Jewish-theme painting.

Biography photo for Mane Katz
Raised in an orthodox Jewish family in Russia, Mane-Katz was born in the Ukraine and became an early 20th-century artist, known especially for portraits and paintings with Jewish themes. From childhood, he had been influenced by stories of Jewish mysticism, which was reflected in his paintings.

He had a peripatetic life between Russia, France, Israel, and America. He first studied art in Kiev at the Beaux Arts Academy, and in 1913, went to Paris where he associated with Chaim Soutine and Marc Chagall and continued his art studies there at the Beaux Arts Academy. 

During World War I, he tried to join the Foreign Legion but was rejected because he was too short. He went back in Russia again, this time joining the Soviet Revolution but rejected the cause because he was so horrified by Josef Stalin.   He worked briefly for the Russian ballets, and in 1921, he returned to Paris where in 1927 he took French citizenship. For the next twelve years, he   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 4529 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 2005 auction lots for Mane Katz (of which 995 auction records sold and 11 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 2 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Mane Katz as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Mane Katz in 0 of its research Essays. Mane Katz has 80 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Mane Katz available:    Michel (Michael) Kikoine,  Igael Tumarkin,  Pinchus Kremegne,  Marcel Janco,  Reuven (Zelicovici) Rubin,  Ludwig Blum,  Menashe Kadishman,  Isaac Pailes,  Joseph Zaritsky,  Leopold Gottlieb,  Moshe Elazar Castel,  Lea (Nikelsberg) Nikel,  Moise Kisling,  Serge Charchoune,  Chana Orloff,  Meir Pichhadze,  Theo Tobiasse,  Yosl (Yosel) Bergner,  Andre Lanskoy,  Isidor Kaufmann,  Israel Paldi,  Yitzhak Frenkel-Frenel,  Pinchas Litvinovsky,  Hughes Claude Pissarro

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Keywords and Quick Facts for Mane Katz

Art Method
  • Easel Painting
Art MediaArt Subject
  • Figure, Figurative Humans
  • Portraits, Portraiture
Geography/Places Lived and/or Worked
  • Israel
  • Russia
  • Early 20th Century Before 1950
  • Late 20th Century After 1950
Exhibition of Museum
  • Art Institute of Chicago

The above Keywords are derived from what askART has identified from our research for this artist and are intended as an additional tool for information. Sources include books, periodicals, auction records, family members, friends, and professional researchers. askART has derived Quick Facts as a brief overview; it is not a complete list rather it is a list that is most frequently cited.